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American Medical Equipment understands the risks associated with laterally
transferring a patient as well as the need to do so on a daily basis. Tis is why we
have developed several unique products to help ensure this common task is just that:
common. Te care-givers are provided a much safer and efective method of doing
their job and the patient is put at ease with the ease of which they are transferred.
Te Cardio Stretchchair Bari660 Convertible Chair series ofers a multitude of
capabilities within a single product. Designed to allow a single care-giver to easily and
safely transport and reposition a patient, the Barton chairs can perform the functions
of stretcher, mobile chair, and custom seating.

Tested and proven in
hospitals and nursing
homes, the system
reduces the time and
number of caregivers
required to transfer a
patient. Consistent and
proper use of the system
can lead to a dramatic
reduction in injuries. PTS gives caregivers the ability to transfer a
non-ambulatory or limited-mobility patient safely and easily. One
caregiver can perform almost any lateral surface to surface transfer,
whether it be from bed to stretcher, stretcher to exam-procedure
table, bed to bed or other combinations.
Key Product Features

Performs the functions of stretcher, mobile chair and custom Tilt-in-space capability.
seating. Trendelenburg position feature.
Designed to be used in hospitals, nursing homes and Allows for lateral transfers with one caregiver in conjunction
assisted-living centers, the I-series chairs ofer myriad with the Barton Positioning and Transfer System (PTS) .
functions. Welded, seamless cushions help reduce infection control
Comfortable seating and heavy-duty central locking and concerns.
steering casters allow easy mobility that is safe for the patient 700 lb. chair adjusts manually and the 1,000 lb. has an
and caregiver. electrical adjustment.
With specialized padding, patient is able to stay in the chair Tilt-in-Space and recline functions are fully electric.
and out of bed for longer durations with reduced risk of Height: Reclined: 27.25 - 31.25.
pressure ulcers.
Customized features allow the chair to be set to the patient: Overall Length: 74 (min) 84 (max) fully reclined with
headrest and footrest fully extended.
adjustable head, leg and armrests, side supports, height
adjustable. Back Angle: 0-70 degrees.
Tilt-in-Space: 0 to 17 degrees

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