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CircuFlow 5200
Lymphedema is a serious and debilitating disease that can
cause signifcant swelling, pain, and potentially ulcers in
patients. Lymphedema and similar venous insufciencies can
cause signifcant swelling in the upper and lower extremities.
Cancer victims many times encounter this disease.
Te CircuFlow 5200 allows patients the freedom to treat
chronic venous and lymphatic disorders in the comfort of their
own homes. Using intermittent gradient sequential pressure
applied through multi-chambered garments, the CircuFlow
5200 increases blood fow and provides extracellular fuid
Te CircuFlow 5200 can also operate in two modes: A
gradient mode in which a maximum pressure and pressure
gradient are administered, and a pressure mode in which each
chambers pressure can be set individually.
Intended for the treatment of the following conditions:
Venous stasis ulcers
Venous insufciency
Peripheral edema
Key Product Features
Medicare Reimbursement Code: E0652 Key Diferentiators:
FDA & CE tvPressure Adjustment: Digitally controls pressure within
Adjustable cycle time, distal to proximal; 20 80 seconds individual sleeve chambers
Dual operation modes: gradient mode or pressure mode Patient Comfort: Ability to skip chamber pressure
preventing discomfort from ulcers
Customizable pressure from 25 120 mmHg
Cost: Signifcantly less than competitors pricing
Smart pressure monitoring preventing pressure
tunnelingdue to operator setup error Sleeves: Durable, long-lasting, and easy for patients to
apply and take of
Ability to adjust or skip individual chamber pressures
Automatic vacuum that drains the air from the garments
for fast and easy removal after therapy
U.S. patent pending
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