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Circulator Boot Mini

Te name Circulator Boot was chosen to indicate a device that benefts
the heart function and all of the circulations in the body: arterial, venous
and lymphatic. It is noninvasive and its use is contraindicated only by the
presence of fresh deep vein thrombi in the legs.

Te Circulator Boot is more than a product. Its use in limb salvage
has evolved into a method of treatment that supports the core element of
wound therapy: increased blood supply. Combined with the use of local
antibiotic injections, boot therapy may control the infection in patients
with osteomyelitis and necrotizing cellulitis when standard methods of
treatment are failing.
Te end-diastolic timing of its leg compressions is unique and has been
used in large numbers of patients to salvage legs at risk of amputation. It
also has other promising uses that deserve study and serious consideration:
treatment of patients with angina, congestive heart failure, stroke, kidney
failure and septic shock.

In Laymans Terms:
A leg with poor arterial blood fow may be likened to a dirty sponge that is half wet. Squeezing such a sponge disseminates the water
throughout the sponge. Soaking and wringing the water repeatedly from the sponge may help clean it. In like fashion, the heart monitor
of the Circulator Boot is timed to allow each arterial pulse wave to enter the leg as best it can (to partially wet the leg sponge). Boot
compressions provide a driving force to disseminate blood around the leg and at the same time press venous blood and excess tissue
water from the leg. Patients with a pulse rate of 60 beats per minute might receive 3600 such compressions an hour. Patients with severe
arterial leg disease might receive 100 such treatments or close to a half million compressions! Breakdown of clots, rechannelization of
blocked vessels and the formation of new small vessels may help restore blood fow.

Te Circulator Boot is a cardio-synchronous compression system classifed as
Intermittent Compression Tereapy (ICT) which includes the following:

A rapid action valve assembly capable of both pressurizing Rigid, adjustable Long Boot to enclose the leg from groin
and exhausting the boot within a fraction of a second. to toes.
Disposable double-walled plastic bags to enclose the chosen Rigid Mini-Boot to enclose the foot and ankle for patients
portion of the leg and to contain the compressed air. requiring treatment of the foot only.
Fluted lower leg legging to extend the Mini-Boot treatment A controller unit to detect the QRS complex of the cardiac
to the thigh. rhythm and to appropriately time boot compressions at

Compressed air supply to power the Circulator Boot the end diastolic portion of the heart cycle.
compression cycles.

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