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What is Negative Pressure Wound Terapy?
NPWT promotes wound healing by applying a vacuum through a special sealed dressing.
Te continued vacuum draws out fuid from the wound and increases blood fow to the area
Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a The therapy involves the controlled application
therapeutic technique using a vacuum dressing to of sub-atmospheric pressure to the local wound
promote healing in acute or chronic wounds and environment, using a sealed wound dressing
enhance healing of first and second degree burns. connected to a vacuum pump.
General technique for NPWT is as follows: a dressing the drain is
or fller material is ftted to the contours of a wound connected to
(which is covered with a non-adherent dressing the pump via
flm) and the overlying foam is then sealed with a the tubing.
transparent flm. A drainage tube is connected to the Layers of
dressing through an opening of the transparent flm. non-woven
A vacuum tube is connected through an opening in polyester,
the flm drape to a canister on the side of a vacuum joined by
pump or vacuum source, turning an open wound into a silicone
a controlled, closed wound while removing excess elastomer,
fuid from the wound bed to enhance circulation and has a non-
remove wound fuids. Tis creates a moist healing adherent wound contact surface made up of numerous
environment and reduces edema. Te technique is small semi-rigid dome structures, though this solution
usually used with chronic wounds or wounds that are has not completed a clinical trial as of December 2012.
expected to present difculties while healing (such as
those associated with diabetes). With all three techniques, once the dressing is sealed
the vacuum pump can be set to deliver continuous
Tree types of fller material are used over the wound or intermittent pressures, with levels of pressure
surface: open-cell foam, gauze and transparent flm, or depending on the device used, varying between −125
honeycombed textiles with a dimpled wound contact and −75 mmHg depending on the material used and
surface. patient tolerance. Pressure can be applied constantly or
Foam dressings are used to fll open cavity wounds and intermittently.
can be cut to size to ft wounds. Te foam dressing Te dressing type used depends on the type of wound,
is applied, flling the wound and then a flm drape clinical objectives and patient. For pain sensitive
is applied over the top to create a seal around the patients with shallow or irregular wounds, wounds
dressing. with undermining or explored tracts or tunnels,
Open weave cotton gauze can be covered with a gauze may be used, while foam may be cut easily to
transparent flm, and a fat drain is sandwiched in ft a patient’s wound that has a regular contour and
gauze and placed onto the wound. Te flm drape perform better when aggressive granulation formation
covers the wound and create a complete seal, and then and wound contraction is the desired goal. (1)