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P. 4

Preventing injuries from improper patient-handling task

by using the proper equipment

As the incidence of injuries associated with patient-handling task remains high in the
rehabilitation community, the importance of proper patient-handling is an utmost concern.

Te number and severity of occupational injuries is a portable air supply that infates the mattress. Air
associated with patient-handling tasks have remained high. fows through perforations in the mattress and the
Tis concern has lead to recommendations that patient- patient is moved on a cuisine flm of air, allowing staf
handling technologies be used in place of traditional members to perform the task with much less efort.
manual lifting. Transfer Cardio
A key component of Chair. Tese convert
a multifaceted, safe, from a seated chair into
patient-handling program a stretcher in which
is the integration and use the back of the chair
of equipment. pulls down and the leg

SELECTING APPROPRIATE supports come up to
LIFTING AIDS form a fat stretcher.
Tese devices facilitate
Based on the dependency the lateral transfer of
levels of patients on the patient or resident
the area, the following and eliminate the need
methods of lift and to perform a vertical
transfer should be lift to a stretcher than
employed: a lateral transfer to the
Dependent patients. bed.
Patients classifed Powered Floor-
as dependent based Lifts. Probably
should be lifted and the most common lifting aid device in use is a foor-
transferred between beds, chairs, toilets, and bathing based lift.
and weighting facilities by means of a powered lifting Te lifts
device. work with

Partial-assist patients. An individual patient- the use of
handling plan should be developed for each patient a sling that
who requires supervision or limited assistance. is placed
under or
Te patients handling plan should specify what transfer or around the
lifting device are necessary.
patient, a

An integral part of implementing ergonomics in connects
the healthcare environment is to understand what to the
technological solutions are currently available for safer sling, and
patient handling. a portable
base unit.
Air-Assisted Lateral Sliding Aids. Tese devices
consist of a fexible mattress that is placed under a
patient in the same manner as a transfer board. Tere


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