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Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers durable American Medical Equipment is a provider of group I
medical equipment (DME) that your doctor prescribes and group II therapeutic support mattresses. Following
for use in your home. Only your doctor can prescribe is an overview of the Medicare Part B, medical
medical equipment for you. DME meets these criteria: qualifcations which most insurances also require to pay
Durable (long-lasting) for this type of device. If you believe you meet these
Used for a medical reason qualifcations, click on the contact us link, and we ll
Not usually useful to someone who isnt sick or arrange for a trained Assistive Technology Professional
injured to discuss with you the best option to ft your individual
Used in your home needs. Or, if you dont have insurance and just want to
Did you knowyou may qualify for a pressure reducing purchase your new therapeutic mattress today, contact us
mattress or mattress overlay through Medicare or your to discuss all the diferent types of mattresses, we provide.
insurance? If you use a wheelchair, you may also beneft Also covered, if prescribed by your doctor:
from a pressure management product while in bed. Commode chairs
Pressure reducing mattresses and overlays are therapeutic Walkers
devices designed to assist in prevention and treatment Wheelchairs
of pressure wounds and provide comfort and relief to
promote pain management.