1. |
Remove Product from Packaging Congratulations. You now own a ROHO cushioning product designed and manufactured so you can achieve the highest possible level of performance and personal satisfaction. |
2. |
Check Items. Your product should have come with the cushion, cover, manual, and hand-operated air pump. NOTE: Cover (included) is recommended for use, but omitted from these instructions for graphic presentation. Please use the yellow rope handle to lift and carry your cushion. |
3. |
Place the Product . Place your ROHO cushion on the chair, making sure it is centered and right side up, with the air valve in the front left corner. |
4. |
Open the Air Valve . Turn valve counter-clockwise to open. |
5. |
Get Pump. The pump has a flexible rubber hose. |
6. |
Fit Pump Hose Over Valve. Slide the collar of the pump over the valve. |
7. |
Pump Air Into Cushion. Inflate cushion until it begins to slightly arch upward. |
8. |
Remove Pump and Close Valve. Remove the pump and quickly close the air valve by twisting in a clockwise direction. To avoid any loss of air, you may also close the air valve prior to removing the pump hose from the valve. |
9. |
Place Person On Chair. Gently place person on chair, making sure the ROHO cushion is centered underneath. |
10. |
Settle Person. Place the individual on the cushion in his/her normal sitting position. |
11. |
Position Hand for Adjustment. Slide your hand between the cushion surface and the person's bottom and feel for the lowest bony prominence. |
12. |
Properly Position the Hand. Usually, the lowest bony area will be the ischial tuberosity or 'sit bones'. If you are not sure, lift the person's leg slightly and you should feel the bony area move in your hand. |
13. |
Begin Releasing Air. Rotate valve counter clockwise to begin letting out air, while keeping your hand under the person's sitting bones. |
14. |
Cushion Lowers. Allow cushion to lower until you can barely move your finger tips (approx. ½ inch or 1.25cm) |
15. |
Close Valve. Rotate valve clockwise to close. |
16. |
Check Cushion Height. Wiggle fingers to make sure there is approximately ½ inch of air between person and bottom. Caution: Avoid 'bottoming out'. The cushion is most effective when there is air between all parts of the person and the chair. If the person has bottomed out, please add air and repeat the process. |
